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Your products on Google Shopping Ads

Shopping Ads on Google Images


Google Shopping industry is constantly developing. Google announces new features regularly and it is crucial for every Google Shopping campaign owner to attentively follow those updates. There is a chance such a new attribute will be just what suits the needs of their business.


What are shoppable ads?

In March 2019, Google announced a new ad format – shoppable ads on Google Images. It’s a new way of targeting customers who prefer image searches over traditional ones. According to Google’s observations, 50% of online customers admit that images inspired them to make a purchase. Visual stimuli started gaining more attention than the readable ones already a few years ago. It is especially visible in the increasing number of users  of applications like Instagram. Nowadays people are strongly affected by images and that’s what they tend to treat as an impulse for shopping as well.


Source: blog.google.com


The above image shows an example of a shoppable ad. It appears in Google Images as a photo with price tags attached to the advertised items. A customer can search for inspiration and do shopping at the same time.  Google is currently testing shoppable ads with selected retailers on the following queries: “home office ideas”, “shower tile designs”, and “abstract art”. However, more retailers and categories will follow.

It seems that Google has been focused on Google Images lately, trying to fill this gap. Some time ago they also launched image ads within the Showcase Shopping Ads tool.


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A big fan of Internet Marketing who ejoys Automation Tools. His mission is to help small and medium-sized companies manage and advertise their e-commerce businesses.

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