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The Best Google Shopping Podcasts


We’ve already recommended the best Youtube channels and the most inspiring authors. It’s time for podcasts! They’re one of the best ways of learning nowadays – perfect for people with a tight schedule who are always on the run. Google Shopping podcasts are an effective way of finding out more about Google Shopping while doing something else e.g. driving a car or cleaning the apartment! We’ve done some research and put together a list of podcasts which we believe have a great educational value. All the authors and guest are real professionals in their fields and it’s a pleasure to listen to them. So, the next time you want to increase your knowledge about Google Shopping by listening to a podcast, skip the searching part. Just come back to our post, press play and enjoy!


It’s time for the best Google Shopping podcasts!


8 Google Shopping Podcasts recommended by Heraldbee


1. 3Q Digital Download – Google Shopping episode – by Joe Kerschbaum and Matt Umbro as a guest

For a start, here’s an in-depth discussion about Google Shopping – what it is, how it works and why we should pay attention to this tool. Joe and Matt also talk about the most effective ways of using Google Shopping and wonder how PPC advertisers can benefit from them.

2. 1400% Return On Ad Spend With Google Shopping w/ Brett Curry – by Conversion Fanatics

This podcast is part of a terrific Conversion Fanatics series of talks with CMOs and Marketing professionals about best practices in the e-commerce industry. In this episode, they talk to Brett Curry who leads a team of SEO and SEM professionals who manage Google Shopping campaigns for e-commerce companies of all sizes. The result of this meeting is a highly informative podcast, full of interesting insights into real life Google Shopping campaigns examples.

3. 5 Proven Methods for Google Shopping Campaign Optimizations – by Chris Burres and Matt Bertram

If you’re searching for advice on how to optimize your Google Shopping campaign, look no further! Chris and Matt discuss an article about 5 proven ways to do it. The discussion is supported by some interesting statistics and the authors’ opinions on the topic. It’s a perfect combination of “reading” an article and listening to a Google Shopping podcast!


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4. The Explosive Growth of AdWords Shopping Campaigns – by JD Prater and Nate Velazquez as a guest

Here’s another podcast with hints on “how to take advantage of the explosive growth of AdWords Shopping Campaigns.” The guest, Nate Velazquez, is a PPC Account Manager, with significant experience in the e-commerce industry. He has been observing the development of Google Shopping Ads and shares a lot of tips valid for every shopping campaign owner.

5. Chris Rowett – Supercharging Google Shopping – by Chris Rowett

This one is not really a podcast, but rather a talk by Chris Rowett recorded on brightonSEO Conference.  It’s short but provides a valid insight from a Google Shopping enthusiast. He is talking about how to improve the shopping campaign – from building, through enhancing, to optimizing it. We encourage everybody to check out the other records from brightonSEO Conference too!

6. Productcaster CEO Shares Shopping Feed Tips on RetailTechNews Podcast by Rachel Smith with Hedley Aylott as a guest

The topic is a bit different than the rest of the podcasts on our list but equally important. Hedley Aylott, the CEO of Productcaster, shares his insights abound Google comparison shopping service (CSS) partners. He also gives tons of advice about how to master the art of feed production and how to keep the high quality of shopping feeds.

7. Ten Landing Page Tweaks That Increase Conversions – by Chris Burres and Matt Bertram

Another podcast from SEO Podcast series. This time Chris and Matt focus on the landing page. They talk about an article which provides hints on how to efficiently increase the number of conversions to the landing page. The hosts make the podcast funny and educational at the same time, which is not easy. We highly recommend it!

8. [PODCAST] Marketing Land Live #28: Shopping campaign success on Google & Bing – by Ginny Marvin with guests

This podcast was recorded in 2016, but all the advice is still accurate! Ginny Marvin is one of the inspiring authors recommended by Heraldbee. In the podcast, she talks to three guests Purna Virji, Susan Wenograd and Kirk Williams (also an inspiring author) about a Google Shopping campaign’s structure and some holiday season tips as an extra. Don’t miss it!



Google Shopping podcasts are an effective way of learning about Google Shopping


We hope this list will be an inspiration for you! The Google Shopping podcasts we recommend are just a few out of many more, waiting to be discovered.  So feel free to share your recommendations as well, let’s inspire each other! And thanks to all the authors for their great work and the professional knowledge they are so eager to share.



A big fan of Internet Marketing who ejoys Automation Tools. His mission is to help small and medium-sized companies manage and advertise their e-commerce businesses.

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